Friday 28 April 2017

Microsoft to stop Producing Smartphone.

American technology giant Microsoft is reportedly set to halt the production of its most popular Windows smartphones by the end of June. Technology journalist Paul Thurrott, on Thursday, tweeted, “Microsoft's wind down of its phone business is "expected to be completed by the end of the current fiscal year." That's the end of June, BTW (SIC).”

Microsoft is officially set to pull the plug on its Windows Phone smartphone business.
The company has reportedly signalled that it will be wrapping up its operations in the mobile device market within the next few weeks.
The news was reported on Twitter by ZDNet reporter Mary Jo Foley, who said that a senior Microsoft executive had told her there was almost no money left in the phone business.
Renowned Microsoft commentator Paul Thurrott corroborated Foley’s report, saying that the wind-down of the company’s phone business is, “expected to be completed by the end of the current fiscal year”.
This would mean that Microsoft would halt its operations by the end of June.

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