The summers are in full swing, and we know how the heat can take a toll on you. With harsh sun rays, sweat, and the sweltering heat, summer can get a bit frustrating. It's also the perfect time to be out and about! Yes, we know the sun can be a huge issue during the day, but let's just not give up yet. Check out these 8 ways in which you can win against the sun this summer!
1. Cotton, or other light colours like white and cream:
Avoid wearing fabrics and colours that tend to trap heat and make it a problem for you. It's always advisable to wear light coloured cottons so that they help you keep cool. If you're bored of the good, old whites and creams, there are lovely pastel shades to choose from. Maybe a soft mauve, baby pink or baby blue
2. Seasonal fruits as much as you can:
Fill yourself up with the season's fresh fruits like watermelon and muskmelon. They taste awesome when they are chilled, they fill your stomach up and hydrate you at the same time. Best part They have way fewer calories than canned fruits or fruit juices.
3. Covered with hats, scarves, or shades:
This is always rule number one in summer. You have to protect your head and your eyes in the harsh sunlight. But that doesn't mean it has to be boring. You can put on some fancy shades, some cool printed scarves, or stylish hats to keep your head and eyes covered. But of course this is not gonna be enough to protect your skin from the harsh sun rays.
4. Good moisturizing lotion with sun protection SPF 24:
When it comes to stepping out in the sun, wearing a moisturiser with sun protection is a must. We're sure all womenfolk know this rule! It makes sense to use a moisturiser with a sun protection factor in it, so that it moisturises your skin and protects it from the sun at the same time.
5. Splash your face with cold water:
Splashing your face with cold water, once you are indoors is a good way to cool yourself down and keep the summer dryness away. In fact, you can keep cold water in a spray bottle while you are out in the sun, and spray it on your face every once in a while to keep yourself cool in the sun.
6. Liquids throughout the day:
Proper hydration is key to surviving the sun's heat in summer. So make sure you have liquids throughout the day, especially lime water, fresh juices and coconut water, as they are super refreshing!
7. Frozen refreshing treats:
While out in the sun, you can have popsicles, ice creams, frozen yogurt, and such frozen treats! You know, since drinking liquids all the time can make your stomach feel too full. More importantly, who doesn't like ice creams.
8. Loose, short, and stylish clothes:
Summer is the perfect time to flaunt your stylish wardrobe. Bring out those linen pants, hot pants, or those cool palazzo pants, which are loose, summer friendly, and stylish.
Protect Yourself from UV Rays:
Sunlight is very much important to our existence and there can’t be iota of doubt about it. However exposure to sunlight for prolonged period of time can make us susceptible to plethora of health issues. But why so? Sun not only radiates heat and light, and it also contains UV rays, which are not visible to our naked eyes, but has huge potential to compromise our health. Hence it is not surprising to notice scientists and medical practitioners warning everybody to avail protection from UV rays, especially while carrying out outdoor activities. So let’s have a glance on few simple techniques to protect ourselves from these harmful UV rays.
1. Go out with protection: It does not matter whether the day is sunny or gloomy, UV rays are bound to attack us the moment we step out of our shelter. Especially during the late morning and early afternoon hours, sun rays can be quite harmful, as the intensity of UV rays attains the peak value. So make it a point to protect you through these effective measures:
- Wear wide brimmed hat and fully covered clothing to block both direct and reflected UV rays.
- Wear good quality sunglasses that offer atleast 99% plus protection against both UVA and UVB and make sure it encompasses eyes even from sideways.
- Apply a sunscreen that offers Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or more.
- Try to stay inside the comfort of shade and if that seems to be a luxury, even an umbrella would do.

Sun safety for kids: Kids love to play outdoors and hence more care needs to be provided to them and safeguard them against harmful UV rays. In addition to the above mentioned safety measures, it would not be a bad idea to infuse knowledge about the bad effects of UV rays, so that they understand the necessity to cover themselves properly and limit the scope for UV attack.
If your workplace receives more sunlight, it is definitely good news provided suitable sun films are applied over the window panels. If you need further information on types of sun films and their efficiency in offering protection from UV rays.
Your Grocery Guide:
Meet the double duty foods that have been shown to increase the skin's ability to protect against UV damage. Oh, and they are part of a healthy diet, too. Their sunblocking secret: Antioxidants. These compounds help fight free radicals, a nasty set of atoms or molecules that contribute to annoying problems like premature aging and can be a product of unprotected sun exposure. Free radicals prowl the body, stealing electrons from healthy cells in this case, in the skin. Antioxidants are a person's mini-martyrs, running around the body and giving up their extra electrons to free radicals so they stop pestering the healthy cells.
sun-friendly foods to the grocery list.
1. Omega 3 rich Fish:
Omega 3 fatty acids found in many foods and especially in shellfish and fatty fish have incredible anti inflammatory powers. Research suggests these compounds can help protect cells from free radical damage like that caused by the sun. Another study found that adding omega 3 to the diet or taking it in supplement form may help prevent some types of skin cancer.
2. Red and Orange Fruits and Veggies:
Antioxidant, found in tomatoes and other red and pink produce has been shown to aid in protection against some UV induced skin irritations like erythema. carotenoid found in red and orange produce has been linked to reduced reactions to sunburns , and flavanoid filled orange and pink citrus fruits have also been shown to improve the skin’s ability to protect against UV rays.
3. Dark Chocolate:
Dark chocolate may improve the skin’s ability protect against some types of skin damage, including UV induced issues like sun burns Long term ingestion of high flavanol cocoa provides photoprotection against UV induced erythema and improves skin condition in women.the flavonoids can help keep skin hydrated, increase oxygen saturation, and boost blood flow.
4. Cruciferous Vegetables:
Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower, are packed with essential antioxidants that help fight those pesky free radicals. This family of veggies has also been linked to cancer prevention not only in the skin, but in a number of other organs as well broccoli sprouts, also in the cruciferous family, contain sulforaphane, which is linked to increasing the skin’s ability to protect itself from cancer.
5. Greens:
Fresh herbs specifically parsley, basil, sage, and rosemary are packed with our free-radical fighting and skin-protecting antioxidant friends. Dark leafy greens such as spinach and swiss chard are all full of antioxidants like polyphenols and carotenoids, which may also naturally protect the skin from sun damage. that eating green leafy vegetables helped prevent the reappearance of skin cancer in people who had previously suffered. Dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, and yogurt increased risk reappearance.
6. Green and Black Teas:
Green and Black teas which actually start as leafy greens surprise, surprise are packed with polyphenols that can help stop cancer development by limiting the blood supply to the cancerous area. people who drink one cup of tea per day have a lower incidence of melanoma.
Click Anti-Aging Food.
Click Anti-Aging Food.
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